Thursday, March 12, 2009

Boy, I tell ya...

You know, it seems no matter how much you may think you've got it all under control, God let's you know that you most certainly do not! This thing called life is a funny thing indeed! I have begun my new adventure working for MICROS, and I am truly excited! All seems to be going well, and out of nowhere, I get some frustrating news. Not to go into too much detail, but let's just say things have just gotten REAL! I was told that God would not give me or my family more than we could handle, and this for sure, I believe to be true. So I will trust and believe that as He shuts one door, He will open another. With this blog, I hope to open my heart, and trust that no matter how bad things may seem now, they won't always be this way forever. I have a fabulous family that always bends over backwards for me no matter what, and now, I feel I shall return the favor. I can only imagine how much worse others situations are and appreciate the fact that I am blessed to be so fortunate. I have very influential people in my life, namely my parents. They are survivors, and have taught me that no matter what, you do what you've got to do, when you've got to do it. Point blank period!!


  1. My friend...I don't know what's going on but I know that you and your family will work it all out. Keep your head up! :)

  2. You're so wonderful, and things will work out, you know that, that's why you have faith! You've been such a blessing to us here, and you will continue to shine all over this country on this crazy "job" we have now. :-)
