Saturday, January 23, 2010

So it's the new year, and although I've felt myself wanting to blog on more than one occasion, I haven't had the opportunity. There's so much that has happened since the beginning of January, I don't even know where to begin. There was a tragic catastrophe last week in my parents country of Haiti. The death toll has reached over 110,000, and still growing. It's a tragic situation, but somewhere in the chaos, the world came together and has so far raised $200 million. That gives me goosebumps! A small third world country that suffered so much for so long, has helped open the eyes of so many people and brought out the good in them. For that I am truly thankful. I have heard some seriously idiotic statements made in the process, but all in all, I'm hoping this tragedy will give Haiti a fresh start. New resources, education, better infrastructure, and most of all, hope. It really forces you to appreciate everything that you have because they have nothing. They had nothing before, and now, it's even worse. But I do believe you sometimes have to endure the rain to see the rainbow. L'Union Fait Le Force! Haiti Cherie will be strong again!